Crazy things parent text

Texting your kids can be fine, just keep it short and sweet and follow proper text etiquette. Studies have shown that teens and young adults do respond to text reminders from parents positively as long as they are sent with love. A few examples show how you can remind children of safety matters gently and put that into their stream of consciousness.

Hi just reminding you curfew at 11:00. Be safe and if you need a ride home just call

Love, mom

Just checking that you got there OK send a text back let us know you’re OK xoxo Love

You’ll be fine try not to worry and we’ll talk later on…

For a bit of humor read these hilarious crazy text exceprts which are shown below.  These funny text sequences between parents and their children are out-takes from Creators Stephen and Wayne Milz compile funny text message exchanges between parents and children and post them on their web site calls crazy things parents text. They even published a book that has hundreds of parent and children text exchanges.   The selection of samples from crazy things parents text shown below were hand chosen by Readers Digest as favorites. Fortunately, they are actually pretty G rated which is good. 

When texting teens always remember to follow proper text etiquette

Keep texts to your teens clean cut, short and sweet.  Sending love and safety reminders without overdoing it can be an effective way to communicate concerns to your children, teens and young adults alike. Studies have shown that teens and young adults can even be helpful.  Unlike voice mail which they may screen and not listen to until much later, a text message will get though to them instantly.  The sample texts shown above are appropriate and can remind a teen of safety concerns. Don’t overdo texting to teens as you do want them to read and respect the texts you do send out. If you are nagging them on text regularly they will be more likely to tune out the important reminders.

Another pointer is to never exchange a nasty sequence of texts with your child. Odds are that if you are a parent and have a rambunctious or disobedient teen, you might have texted them in annoyance some messages far worse than these silly ones. Be forewarned that your text messages could be forwarded to their friends or saved and kept around by that teenager. If you are divorced would you like your teen to read your texts to your ex? Keep texts clean and appropriate for their sake.

You might recall a phone call where Alex Baldwin berated his daughter on the phone calling her names, the audio of which went viral on the Internet. You wouldn’t want your inappropriate text messages to your kids which are sent in an annoyed flurry to make circulation would you?

Just remember that when texting your child, use proper etiquette. Don’t get yourself into a mud fight with your teens. They might save the text or forward it. Always set as good of an example as possible. Research says that if you are concerned about your child staying out past curfew or other matters that sending texts is a good way to get in touch with them and remind them of the rules. If you are texting your teen about safety that’s proper etiquette. If you are texting them to call them names or try to have detailed conversations that is another thing.

The only thing that is worse than getting relagated to text by a boyfriend or girlfriend is being relegated to text by a child. Keep text exchanges with your children short, sweet, and safety oriented. If they don’t feel like you are harassing them, they will usually read such messages and take them to heart.

Excerpts from

Mom: Love you, kiddo!

Me: Aw, thanks. Love you, too!

Mom: Sorry, wrong person

Me: Dad, my bank account has ten dollars in it!

Dad: Oh good, our plan to get you to contact us succeeded

Me: I was offered a job!

Dad: Accept it before they realize their mistake.

Dad: What is IDK?

Me: I don’t know.

Dad: Oh, do you know who does?

Dad: I just changed my password to “incorrect” so the computer just tells me when I forget.

Me: Lets eat dad

Dad: “Let’s eat Dad” or “Let’s eat, Dad.” Punctuation saves lives.

Me: I love you

Mom: I tolerate you

Mom: I think I keep getting messages or missed calls or something.

Me: From who?

Mom: Some woman called…Betty Low?

Me: Um, battery low?

Mom: Yeah, that’s it!

Me: What time are you picking me up?

Dad: Who is this?

Me: Your son.

Dad: How did you get this number?

Me: I programmed your phone, remember?

Dad: How do I delete people?

Mom: Your father is driving me crazy. When are you coming home?

Me: I’m out with friends so not till late. Sorry!

Mom: It’s OK. I put Ambien in his tea. He won’t be annoying me much longer.

Me: Can I borrow 50 bucks?

Mom: You don’t call to say hi, you didn’t call on my birthday. All you ever call for is money!

Me: 40 bucks?

Mom: OK.

Me: Hey!

Dad: Aren’t you supposed to be at school?

Me: Aren’t you supposed to be at work?

Dad: Touché …

Me: Happy 49th, Dad! I love you so much!

Dad: It’s 48! You ruined my day.

Mom: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I’m lonely.

Me: Isn’t Dad there?

Mom: Yes, but I like you more.


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