He never calls he just texts

Texts are great, except when that’s all there is.  Are you wondering why he only texts and he never calls you?  Wonder no more!  A man who does this may claim all he wants that he just doesn’t like the phone.  But don’t be fooled for one second.  If you simply refuses to call you, he is going out of his way to avoid phone calls. It is the biggest reveal flag that your relationship was progressed, but not in the way you would have liked it to.  This is what men do when they have relegated you into the booty call arrangement status.

Any decent relationship is going to involve a natural combination of some phone calls here and there, plus of course, texts.  But note that it is  a combination.  When it’s just texting, there is something wrong.  The problem women have is that deep down they know there is something wrong, but they make excuses for the man who does this.  Quit making excuses for him!  Realize that you are worth a phone call, and if you noodle with someone who things you are not worth that, you are going to wind up a sick puppy with a very damaged self-esteem.  Only a man-eater could survive this type of treatment.

Men hate the phone, and they hate long-winded gossip conversations, and they hate being your girlfriend stand-in, so texts work great for him.  He can keep in touch without having to actually be on the phone.  But this is where it ends.  If he likes you, he is also going to want to hear your voice on the phone periodically.  He is going to want to talk to you.

If you are dealing with a guy who texts you but never calls you then it’s time to look at the relationship as a whole.  Does he ever call you? Have you ever run any mundane errands with him? Does he take you out?  Have you seen his place?  Has he ever introduced you to any of your friends or included you in his social events?  A man who is blocking you from having him on the phone, is almost certainly blocking you from being part of his real life, period.

What women don’t understand

Women just do not understand men that well.  For a woman, a casual relationship is usually not her cup of tea.  She is either all in, or all out.  She is likely not going to continue intimacy with someone she is not into.  Men are different.  They will actually continue a sexual or physical relationship even though they know they have no intention of being with you seriously.  They will stay in casual relationships as long as you allow and enable such arrangements to continue.  Men don’t have a problem with it.

Usually men will make such a relationship very clear by dropping hints.  He expects you to understand those hints.  If he doesn’t make plans with you on Friday and Saturday nights that is a hint.  If he doesn’t invite you over that is a hint.  If he does not spend money on you that is a hint.  If he does not call you except to arrange a hookup that is a hint.  And of course the biggest hint of all is that all he will do is text you, and arrange a meetup which involves him not spending any money, and convenience.

If you are dating someone who refuses to call you, even when you let him know that you prefer a phone call to texting, it says so much.  It says he just is not interested in pursuing a real relationship with you.  It means he will keep his hang-nail in your life as long as you let him.  As soon as you lower the boom and stop texting him altogether (because he refuses to call you) you will probably never hear from him again.  This is not to be negative, but the odds of a relationship working out with a man who has no arms or legs but just a text finger in it, are zero. The sooner you can detect a user, the better.

He doesn’t care about you


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