Words that he or she will love in a text message

Believe it or not, just being nice in your text messages can do wonders for your relationships.  Here are a few tips on nice words that will help him or her become smitten with you and inspire them to respond right away to your texts! First of all, thoughtful compliments and ego strokes are definitely welcome here.  Of course you aren’t going to say Sir, or Ma’am in a relationship, but similarly respectful yet complimentary phrases can substitute.  Try gorgeous, doll, babe, handsome, etc.  These verbs inspire the person you are texting to like you, and are romantic.

Next tip is to emote positive feelings.  This always gives a good impression.  Instead of complaining say something positive!  This is guaranteed to help give a good vibe and inspire a response.  Another set of texts that exude positive vibes include thanking someone and/or asking how they are.  Thank you and You’re welcome are good words to include in your romantic text messages.

Other words that are great in business relations and customer relations work great for text etiquette.  Try Here’s what’s happening, How can I help, or I’ll find out.  These words acknowledge the existence, and wants rather than being self-centered in nature.  People will graciously listen to someone speaking nicely where as complaining and negativity are a total turnoff!  Now, what happens if you are the recipient of texts where the other person is venting or showing frustration?  Offer assistance!  How can I help is a wonderful response to incoming negativity.  It shows you care.

The single most important text you can use to make the person feel good and understand how much you care is to give them moral support.  If they are having issues, then a text that assures them that you believe in them is always going to be welcomed with open arms.  Men especially, just want a woman who believes in him and whom he feels really has his back. So next time you want to gripe and complain to him or her on text message, refer back to this article.  Positive texts with positive words will be far more able to help you achieve your relationship goals with them. If you don’t have anything upbeat to say, try not to say it.

Attraction text messages


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